Monday, August 31, 2009

10 miles

your momma and you ran 10 miles today. you are a trooper and did it so easy. i think you could have gone a few more.

we love you little one!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

week 4 {3 weeks & 6 days}

your daddy and i found out we are pregnant today! we are SO excited. we always thought we would have another but we waited and waited until the time was right to add another bundle of joy to our family. we have had our hands full these last few years, 3 boys in 3 1/2 years will do that. your brothers will be 8 (barely), almost 6 and 4 1/2 when you are born. all 3 boys are in school. i think the timing is perfect!

we are starting over with you little one. we have nothing... no car seat, crib, clothes. but thats ok because after 3 boys everything was pretty beat up.

your birthday is scheduled for may 9th 2010.