wow, i am grateful for good insurance! last fall when daddy and i were talking about adding another bundle of joy to our family we decided to switch our health insurance plan. we also knew your brother needed surgery. after thinking about it a lot, playing with the numbers we felt really strongly to go with the highest plan. every time i go to a doctors office i am thankful for those feelings and that we made that decision.

{daddys dinner is on the left, it was gone before i started mine, he he.}
wow, babes only
10 more weeks and that is if we go full term. this week was a big one and we feel so blessed. the morning of your appointment started super early, getting your brothers ready for their big day at school, play dates and a sleep over. we had to get on the road early, we had to drive just over 2 hours away.
we made it in time to hit a few stores.
would you be surprised if i told you i got you a few things? well i did, you are going to look so cute. i cannot pass up a good deal! you may not be able to wear some of it right away but you will grow.
so your new doctor... we made it to our appointment and were in and out of there in such a short amount of time, compared to our other doctors. guess what? he could not see any problems with your large intestine. what?
we were shocked! he did see a few other things that he would like us to have watched but he said we should be ok to deliver closer to home.
the best news of all he said, your babies tummy is too small {-2%}. i really do not want you to go into preterm labor and deliver him so small. so please sit on the couch and just eat. um, say what? i have never been told that. i have always been so active in all of my pregnancies {playing basketball, snowboarding, etc.} this is the first one i have to sit around but i am not going to lie, i am going to enjoy it. yes i know i am going to have to kick my butt into high gear after you are born but it will be worth it. for now we sit and eat, especially anything dipped in chocolate... yum!
we celebrated by going to a nice dinner. the food was to die for, either that or it was because we had skipped lunch. i guess we will have to go back:)
i have talked to our specialist here and she is shocked, to say the least. we have another appointment scheduled with her at the end of this month. she wants to give it a little more time and check again.
we were told we need to deliver at a hospital about 30 min away because they have a
n.i.c.u., just to be safe. our ob here only delivers at a hospital without a nicu so i can no longer go to him. i hate switching doctors but it is part of the process. i am trying to get into a doctor that is highly recommended. keep your fingers crossed {and toes} because i hear she is hard to get into.
we feel so blessed...
prayers are really answered!